
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Trip to the Groomer

The boys had to get hair cuts b/c their allergies are so bad. The vet said that with shorter hair the grass and polen wouldn't collect as much. The bigger I get, the cooler our house gets. Bobo and Mack have literally been shaking since they were groomed!

Mack's cut doesn't look too bad...

Bobo looks ridiculous. We think he's embarrassed b/c he looks more like a Chihuahua than a Yorkie.

Bobo is also embarrassed b/c he now has to wear a doggy diaper. We have tried everything to house train this almost 9 year old dog with no success. You can buy doggy diapers at Walmart but of course those didn't work for our high maintenance dog. His belly is so big that the diapers slipped off the back. So, we ordered this contraption off the internet. He's not a fan and acts like he can't walk when he's wearing it. Usually the boys stay in our laundry room when we leave the house. On Sunday, we decided to let them stay out while we went to church since Bobo had his new diaper on. When we got home, we were greeted by Bobo, minus the diaper, which was laying in the living room floor perfectly in tact. It was like he just walked right out of it. Wish we had a video to see how he did it. Only Bobo.

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer,
    Your mom sent me the link to your blog. . .I love it!!! You look GREAT!!. . . can't say as much for Bobo. . .I feel so sorry for him having to wear a diaper, but that's what comes with maturity!! Ha! As for the temperature in the house, I can totally relate. We had the hottest summer on record when I was pregnant with Ben and I think we probably spent more on the electric bills that summer than we did on diapers his first 3 months! The doggies will just have to shiver!!
    Love, Aunt Donna in Raleigh
