
Sunday, January 2, 2022

Here's to 2022!

Happy New Year! I'm going to try to get back to blogging this year. My posts always slack off when we get to the middle of volleyball season and the holidays don't make it any easier. We have a little reprieve right now, so I'm going to see if I can make this happen. I really do love blogging and I want Carson to have a digital scrapbook when he is older, just like Miles does. He'll never have the amount b/c 'two kids', but I'd feel a little better if he had more than what he does now. My goal is shorter posts more often. We will see how it goes.

There's no way to recap the last three months, but I'll post a few pictures here and there to try to unload some of the hundreds of pictures that I have saved up.

Uncle Steve & Aunt Crystal gave Miles and Darrin tickets to a UK game for Christmas. They went on black Friday and had the best time.

Darrin said Miles was speechless at the beginning. Ever since then, he's been more committed to basketball. He's been practicing more at home and I can see an improvement in his effort and play.

He's about to wrap up his sixth grade year. He's had a lot of opportunity and he's gotten better.

He has great teammates and coaches. Baseball is his first love, but I think his love of basketball definitely grew this year.

I'm looking forward to true middle school basketball next year. 

Darrin and the boys have all been sickly with seasonal things. Miles took the longest to get over. He was puny and hoarse for weeks. 

All three of them went to the doctor at some point, but everything was viral. I thought for sure the boys had strep, but it was negative. When it came time for their strep tests, Carson climbed on the table and said, 'let me show you how it's done." He didn't flinch when she swabbed his throat. They acted perfectly fine once we got to the doctor, which had me regretting the appointments, but we had to know at that point.

Miles is growing before our eyes. He's 5'2" now, which is two inches taller than me. I promise he looks taller every morning when he wakes up.

He eats soooo much. He's finally reached 100lbs which he says is more exciting than growing in height. I think he's heard his baseball coaches talk about how all the kids need to put on some weight for so long, that he finally decided to eat more in an effort to do so. He's a great eater and then he eats extra calories for the weight too. Oh to have the metabolism of a 12 year old boy.

Speaking of growing, this boy is growing up too. He has matured so much, even since his birthday in July. He's learned a lot at school and he has more control of his emotions. He still barks out demands 24/7 (we are working on this), but he has come a long way.

He still LOVES to draw. Drawing and coloring entertains him for hours at a time. 

Volleyball season came to an end in the semi finals of the conference tournament in Pensacola, FL. 

It was a pretty hard loss to watch. Miles was in tears b/c he was so disappointed for Darrin. By the end of the game, I was at the top of the bleachers in a dark corner by myself. 

But, it was an excellent season and there was so much to be proud of. They finished 3rd in regular season, which is the highest since Union went Division II. Being the wife and family of a coach is not for the faint of heart. I'm glad there is an off season for all of us to recover.

More to come this week. Happy New Year! It's good to be back.

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