
Saturday, December 26, 2020

Christmas Fun

We celebrated for two full days and here are the pics! Christmas Eve morning, we drove to Kentucky to celebrate with Darrin's extended family. We usually have it at Darrin's parent's house, but due to Covid, we got together at their church. Thank goodness we are over the stage where Carson is dreadful in the car.

The boys got to see their cousins.

It's always fun to see the family we don't get to see much throughout the year. 

Of course there were gifts.

Miles got money and some fishing lures. Carson got Nerf guns. Both gifts were perfect and it gave Carson something fun to do while we were there.

Christmas Eve night, we came home to hang out and get ready for Christmas morning. My mom and Darrin's parents came to spend the night. Since I knew we would graze all day at the first family function, I knew we probably wouldn't be hungry for a big dinner. I've been dying to make a cheese board. I got everything ready the day before and just threw it together when we got home. It was a hit. Usually I get way more excited about this kind of stuff, but Darrin told me several times how much he liked it.

The boys always open boxes on Christmas Eve. I try to include something fun to do, candy, a book, reindeer food, and Christmas pjs. 

I couldn't find any age appropriate pjs for Miles, so he missed out this year. I found some too late, but I'll know where to look next year. Carson is soooooo particular about his clothes, so I really hesitate to buy stuff for him, but he actually wore these all night. He has refused to wear them since, but at least we got some cute pictures. He insists on sleeping in a t-shirt and shorts.

They put out reindeer food (oatmeal & glitter).

Then, we spend the rest of the night hanging out. Carson got some Melissa & Doug books that you practice cutting and taping, so we did that for a while.

We are so blessed that our parents enjoy each other's company. 

We worked a puzzle and Miles worked on a sticker by number book that was in his box. 

They also got a Melting Snowman and Elf kit. I'm not sure they were worth the money, but it was pretty cute, especially after it melted. I think they will play with them again next year, so we'll see.

Carson kept begging to go to bed b/c he wanted to wake up and open presents. Miles surrendered to his begging at 8:30pm. They slept in a fort in our room. They crawled in a little before 8:30 and I never heard a peep. We gave them melatonin, but I really think they were exhausted from the day. 

Christmas morning was so fun. Miles got a PS4. We looked everywhere for a PS5, but it was not to be found. His PS4 is broken, so he was very happy to have one again. His gifts were pretty functional, catchers gear, boots, golf hat, etc, but he seems very pleased. He was so appreciative and thanked us several times throughout the day.

Carson got toys, games, and boots. He also got a dinosaur overnight bag to take when he spends the night with his grandparents. 

Santa brought a trampoline! The boys were so excited and so was I! I have always thought it would be something active that the boys could do together. The temperature didn't get out of the twenties on Christmas day, but they still went outside a few times. I think when the weather is a little warmer, they will jump a lot.

Both boys commented how fun it was to have all their grandparents here. Santa brought stockings for all the adults, so that was fun too.

I enjoyed making Christmas breakfast, which was sausage casserole and French toast. 

The rest of the morning was spent playing with their new toys. 

They always get new boots for Christmas. This is the first year that Carson got Muck boots. They aren't cheap, but so useful year round on our property and for fishing. I sure hope Carson likes his. They are easy for him to put on which is a major plus over some of the boots that he's had in the past. 

Christmas night, we had a first. We went to Marmee's new house and opened gifts between the five of us. She's always brought her gifts to our house since she lived so far, but I think it was really nice to spend time at her house and for the boys to really see what she got for them. Sometimes on Christmas day it was so much that it was hard to tell.

Carson got some games and Legos.

Miles got a water bottle, a bag for basketball, and a bike! It was much needed as his old one will fit Carson soon.

We played with the new toys and ate roast, carrots, mashed potatoes, and an ice cake for dessert. It was such a nice night. I think we've started a new tradition.

We got home around 8 and I was asleep by 8:45pm. The events of the two days caught up with me. My mom kept saying that she felt bad for me b/c I was so busy with everything, but I reminded her that's what parents have to do. She did it and now it's my turn. It's tiring, but these are our memories and we only get these years for a short time. In true McClure fashion, we put away all the Christmas decorations today, cleaned and straightened everything up, went through Carson's toys, and organized his room. Miles will have to do the same to his room tomorrow. It was a wonderful Christmas. Now, I'm looking forward resting tomorrow, going back to work on Monday, and welcoming a new year soon.

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