
Monday, June 8, 2020

Weekend Wrap Up

Another weekend of baseball in the books. Carson went to stay with Granny & Pa again. He was very excited to see them.

Carson is the youngest of six grandchildren and he's a wee bit spoiled. He acts like a little angel anytime he's with Granny & Pa or Marmee...and they all eat him up. He can be tough, but he is also the sweetest kid ever. He's so loving and affection.

After dropping Carson off, we headed to Missouri for the third weekend in a row. This was a new place to play and we enjoyed our three weeks there so much. It was an easy drive, the park was clean and well managed, the parking was accessible (which is such a plus in baseball), you could take coolers into the park, the umps were good, and there was no admission fee. So many positives. We loved the three weeks that we played there.

We had a short break between the two games on Saturday. The weather was so nice in the shade. The sun was another story, but we stayed under tents and trees and enjoyed the day.

We were down two players this weekend due to sickness and a 4-wheeler accident (he's okay, just sore) and they are both pitchers and catchers. That meant that Miles caught all but one inning, all weekend long. The coaches took care of him and let him wait in the dug out before each inning while the team warmed up. He enjoyed catching, but missed pitching.

They won both games on Saturday and earned the 2 seed. We finished early enough to have time to socialize at the hotel.

The boys swam at the hotel and all but one ended up with a rash. We thought Miles was raw from the heat and sweat, but the next day we learned that siblings that didn't play, but swam, also had a rash. There were boys from another team in the pool and they said the next day that they also had the rash. It was not a pleasant experience for the boys, but powder and cortisone cream carried them through on Sunday. I'm very glad that Carson wasn't with us, b/c he would have gone swimming too. That would not have been fun at all.

We all got to spend time with our friends. It was an enjoyable, laid back kind of night.

While we were having fun at the hotel, Carson was swimming at Uncle Steve and Aunt Crystal's house, or has he calls them "Uncle Steve and Miss Crystal". He started calling her Miss Crystal last year and I'm not sure he'll ever say Aunt again even though he clearly knows who she is.

They grilled out and swam. I could tell how happy he was when I got this picture.

I do hate that we missed time with family. It looked like a good time.

Because we were the 2 seed, we didn't have to play until 2:30pm the next day. We had a leisure morning in the hotel. Darrin went to McDonalds to get breakfast. Then, he made several trips to Walmart and down to the truck for us. He is such a saint like that. I'm so glad my other half loves to run errands and stay busy, b/c I am not a fan of such inconveniences.

Sunday was another hot day, but there was a really nice breeze. I don't think Miles would agree :)

He caught the entire day and did a great job.

He had a big hit in the championship game, driving in three runs, but got thrown out trying to get to third. Even though he had 3 RBIs, he was devastated and will never remember that hit fondly.

They won a tough game in the semis, but lost in the championship game to a very good team. We were all so proud of them.

One of his teammates took a hit to just below his knee while he was pitching and he screamed and flipped as he fell to the ground. The boys went running. The other team was hitting so hard. It wasn't pretty, but in the end, I think it looked and sounded worse than it was. We were so thankful that he was okay.

Praying is the best way to end the day.

Darrin and I missed Carson so much this weekend. I guess three weekends in a row will do that to you. But he had a better time where he was and we were able to enjoy the games. He was excited to see us, well mostly Darrin b/c he is SUCH a daddy's boy (dang quarantine got me :). Miles let him wear his medal and he loved the hotel key that Darrin gave him.

He was all smiles until it came time to take the iPad away and go to bed. Then, the wheels came off. He was hysterical for over an hour. I finally was able to get him to stop crying and watch TV with me until he calmed down. Until then, nothing worked. He was delirious. Finally at 11:15pm, he said he was ready to go to bed. Both boys slept in our room, Carson in bed with us Miles on a cot, b/c that sounded like the right thing to do after being away from Carson for the weekend.

I text his teacher this morning to let her know that he had been up late, so she would know if he seemed tired. She said he had a great day when we picked him up. He seems to be enjoying his new classroom so much. So far, he appears to like his teacher and vice versa. Hopefully this can last a while. We had two more weekends of baseball and then we have a break. We are playing close to home the next two weekends, so it will be nice to not need a hotel. I'll be ready for a break, but we've had a lot of fun watching Miles play ball. And, I know Carson has made a lot of good memories too.

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