
Tuesday, November 27, 2018

5 Pics From Our Chill Night

It's very rare that we, specifically I, do nothing around the house at night, but that is what we did tonight. We got a call this afternoon from the after school director saying that Miles had bumped heads with another kid so hard that it knocked Miles down. The school is very cautious about head injuries, so they report everything to you. Usually they just give you a note when you pick them up, so I figured this was a little more. Darrin went to get Miles and I picked up Carson on my way home. When I got home Miles was chilling on the couch. He was fine, but I guess that set the tone for our night. After Tortilla soup (recipe below) and salad for dinner, Carson and daddy read books and watched AFV.

Miles and I worked an incredibly difficult word search that he got from one of his teachers on the first day of school. He said they worked on it for a couple weeks and then she told them they could take it home or throw it away. He said everyone threw it away but him. That's my boy.

Then, we convinced Carson to watch a movie other than Frozen. We tried to think of a movie with a lot of singing. We have already tried Moana. We decided on Sing. I think that is the cutest movie. He watched it for a little while and then played by himself while we watched it (AKA me falling asleep on the couch). We'll call that a success!

While we were watching the movie, he randomly brought us the bag of chicken nuggets from the freezer. He does not eat much at home, even though he's the best eater at daycare and everywhere else he goes. When we asked him if he wanted some, he said, "Yes. Daddy do it." Daddy had to do everything tonight...put on his pjs, fix his snacks, read books, and put him to bed. I know the tides will turn, so I'm just enjoying the moment.

I really did try to convince him to let me put him to bed, but he insisted that "Daddy do it" and then gave me a kiss and walked to bed. He's in such a good phase of going to bed. Lately, he walks or runs to bed willingly when we say it's time and then we don't hear a whimper all night. I guess daylight savings time has him too. 

Here is the recipe for the Tortilla soup that we had tonight. Darrin has been on a keto diet since July. More on that in another post, but this is one of our favorite new recipes. Kind of labor intensive, but so flavorful!

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