As promised, more Friendsgiving pics! We
had such a fun night with our baseball family. They have become our best
friends since we moved here three years ago. As I said the other day, the
parents have never gotten together without the kids. We had the best time! It
appeared that some of us had not been away from our children in quite some
time, but I will neither confess nor point fingers 😊
I thought I would include exactly how I
planned it, b/c it was easy and went off seamlessly. I used a Facebook invite
to get the word out and communicate about the party. I used
Perfect Potluck for the food sign
up list. If you have never used Perfect Potluck, it is so easy and even sends
reminders out to people. It’s so much easier than just commenting or texting
back and forth with everyone. Our menu was traditional Thanksgiving, so turkey,
ham, mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, corn,
cranberry sauce, rolls, and a few other things. I hesitate to post this on
here, b/c I would never want to offend or damage a small business, but this
must be documented b/c we got a good laugh. I ordered my turkey breast from a
local place that makes great to-go meals. Everyone loves this place. She
catered a volleyball dinner for us several years ago and it was wonderful.
Unfortunately, the turkey was not what I had in mind. It looked like a hunk of
turkey from the Walmart deli smeared in seasoning. I stuck with the ham, but at
least one person told me it was good. It was not a big deal b/c we had plenty
to eat. Again, I only post b/c it was entertaining for all of us. I’m just glad
it wasn’t my Thanksgiving turkey.

I planned four games for the night. I
wanted to make sure they moved quickly b/c when you let a game go on and on, it
seems to totally kill the mood. It’s better to leave everyone wanting more. I
picked up some prizes b/c I think prizes make everything more fun and our group
is very competitive! We started slow with a simple game of heads or tails. To
play this, everyone stands up and chooses heads or tails by putting their hands
on their heads or 'tails'. You flip a coin. If it’s heads, those with their
hands on their heads stay standing, the others are eliminated and sit down.
Everyone chooses heads or tails again and you repeat until there is one person
left standing. You can change you guess every round. That was a good way to get
everyone going. The winner won a $10 gift certificate to a local coffee shop.

Next, we played a new game call Four on a
Couch. I wanted a new game that hopefully no one had played before. I’ll let
you read the directions
here rather than type them. I was a little concerned
b/c I had never played, but it was a lot of fun! It was funny, challenging,
competitive, and didn’t take forever. We played men verses women which made it
easy to keep the teams straight. We are going to play this with Darrin’s team
in a couple weeks and I plan to find a way to visibly distinguish between teams
such as colored partied hats or something funny. The men won our game, but
there was a lot of ‘talking across the table’. To keep it fair, there shouldn’t
be any conspiring. I would also add the rule that you can’t call the same name
back to back.

The third game was Reverse Charades. For
this game, you can use the cards from Pictionary, Guesstures, Taboo, or
something like that. We used Guesstures and it was perfect. We divided up into
three teams of six people each. One team had five, but that was fine. I think
teams of 4-6 are ideal. To play, one person is the guesser and the others all
act out the cards together. You try to guess as many cards as you can in one
minute. We allowed as many passes as you wanted just to keep the game moving.
Whereas Four on a Couch was more serious and strategic (with some laughs),
Reverse Charades was really funny. I needed six prizes for this and eight for
Four on a Couch, so I went with $1 scratch off tickets. It was just a little
more fun than a candy bar and cheap enough to not break us.

The last game we played was Left, Center,
Right. I’m sure several have played this. We did have a few at the party that
had not. Instead of playing with the chips that are provided (you can buy the
game from Amazon, Target, etc) we used $1 bills. Everyone started with $3. You
roll three dice to determine if you move your dollars to the left, center,
right, or keep them. The dollars on the left or right continue to move back and
forth. Once dollars go to the center, they stay there and that becomes the pot.
The last person with any money wins the pot. This was very fun and very
competitive. We crowded around the kitchen island and played. If you play this
at a party, you have to tell people to bring $3 and also have plenty of ones to
make change. I told everyone to bring $3 for a game, but I didn’t specify that
it had to be ones. Thankfully, I knew Miles had a secret stash with plenty of
ones. Seth was our winner and took home $51.

After the games were over, we hung out in
the kitchen listening (and dancing) to music. Darrin was our DJ. I think music
make every get together better. It’s safe to say that we will have the 2nd
Annual Hornet Friendsgiving next year. This year will be hard to top, but we’ll
give it our best shot.