
Thursday, October 25, 2018

5 Pics - Day 4

I took off one day during Miles' fall break to hang out with him, and so he wouldn't have to spend so much time at Darrin's office. We had a lunch date at Snappy's Pizza. They have a crane game in the back of the restaurant that we are obsessed with. We are going to win an iPad mini one day! We should have just bought one with the money we've spent playing the game, but where's the fun in that??

Carson had 50's day at school. Nailed it.

This is a perfect representation of what our mornings are like.

Miles got sealant on his teeth the other day. Again, this is the dentist that gives their patients headphones and plays a movie on a TV that is mounted on the ceiling. He got so relaxed that he fell asleep. She was asking him questions and he wasn't even responding. We started taking him here from his first dentist appointment b/c we were afraid he would have anxiety about the dentist. I'd say it has accomplished what we wanted it to!

Carson had picture day at daycare yesterday. He looked so cute! I can't wait to get the proofs back.

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