
Sunday, September 18, 2016

Weekend Wrap Up

Just a few quick pictures from our weekend. It was a busy one and momma is tired! I just laid Carson down and I need to get a few hours of sleep before it's time to feed him again. These days he goes to sleep about 10pm, wakes up between 1-2am to eat, and then sleeps until around 6am. I think that's pretty good for 10 weeks old, but it won't hurt my feelings when he starts sleeping through the night. I actually enjoy my time with him in the night, but I'm also very tired. Night after night of interrupted sleep is beginning to catch up with me.

Friday was Grandparents' Day at school. Miles was happy to have Granny & Pa...

...and Marmee there...

We had volleyball games on Thursday and Friday night. We won one and lost one.

Miles has been asking me to get to the car line early so he can come over during recess and talk to me. I had to get there at 2pm to be at the front of the line, which was close enough for him to talk to me. The line doesn't even start moving until 2:55pm. There are parents that do that everyday. Why in the world? I get there right at 2:55pm and it takes between 5-10 minutes to get through the line.

I decided to do it once for him b/c it's another one of those things I can't do when I'm working. It made him happy. He brought all of his friends over and even introduced me to his girlfriend, Adalyn. She's in the yellow shirt on the right. Oh my.

We let Miles pick out a new jersey for football season. He chose a Panthers' jersey...Cam Newton.

Miles spent the night with Granny & Pa on Friday night and went fishing with Pa on Saturday morning. He's been asking to do that for a while. When we picked him up, we surprised him with a new bike. He's learned to ride really well. That's the first thing he does almost every afternoon when we get home from school. We bought his current bike used and one of the handle brakes doesn't work. Since he's enjoying it so much, we thought a new bike would a good purchase.

When we told him we had a surprise for him, his first guess was that I was pregnant. A bike probably seemed like such a let down. Poor kid, reality never matches his expectations.

Carson got to meet two of his great Aunts. Darrin's Aunt Lynda...

...and his Aunt Brenda. They are his mom, Glenda's sisters. Yes, Brenda, Lynda, and Glenda.

Carson loves to hold my hand.

He was crying in the car on the way home from Darrin's parent's house. As soon as I climbed in the back seat and put my arm around him, he grabbed my finger and went right to sleep. I've never seen a kid like this.

We had an exciting night. Our church voted with a standing ovation to purchase a piece of property in our county. Right now, we are a satellite campus that meets in a middle school. We began meeting in January of this year and already average around 600 people every Sunday morning. This church has been an unbelievable blessing to us and is undoubtedly part of God's plan for moving us here. I'm excited to watch our children learn what it means to follow God in this church.

That's our weekend. Time to catch a quick catnap before Carson wakes up. Have a great week, everyone!

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