This is mine and Miles' new favorite spot. The first time I read books with him here, I grabbed a blanket b/c I was cold. Now, every time we read books he gets the pink blanket and heads to our spot.

1) Miles' first sentence without any grammatical errors, and without any prompting, was......"I like milk". Very appropriate.
2) When we drove by the horses on the way to daycare this morning, Miles said "wanna ride one". Interesting. I started thinking about how we could arrange this and then I quickly reminded myself that he would never even touch a horse if we got close to one, much less ride one. Cute regardless.
3) Darrin and I have lived in 5 houses since we've been married. The moves have all been for a purpose...sold our house...lived in an apartment until we found a house...bought a house...downsized b/c Darrin went back to school...bought a bigger house when Darrin got a job. We've been in our house for a little over 3 years now & I have house hunting fever. It's a terrible idea. I wish someone would block from computer.
4) I had a phone conference with Dr. Bernui yesterday. Long story short...he's not pleased with my progress. I had kind of resigned myself to the fact that I wasn't going to get any better. I began treatment for Lyme disease on December 28, 2010. Over the last 8 months, he has been persistent but patient during the course of my treatment. After talking with me yesterday, he has ordered more blood work to check certain vitamin & immune function levels, but also to check specifically for Babesia and Rocky Mountain Spotted fever. He says it sounds like we are hitting some stuff with the treatment, but either not hitting it hard enough or missing something altogether. He upped my Lyme medicine which has the potential to make me feel really bad. It was encouraging to hear that he had a greater sense of urgency. It made me think that he believes I will feel better one day. I think his breaking point came when he heard that my idea of managing my pain was to take enough Aleve and prescription pain pills to eventually knock it out for the day, which may take until night time. We adjusted my treatment plan and my new meds should deliver tomorrow. I'm a little nervous about the "worse before it gets better" thought, but am ready to get on with this.
Time to go watch Big Brother with hubby. Good night all!
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