Friday afternoon we left to go to my mom's house for the weekend. She's been needing some big, strong men to help with a few things around the house, so I volunteered my husband. She also planned a big cookout. I've been looking forward to it and was excited to get on the road.
It takes just under three hours to get there. About half way there my check engine light came on, along with another unknown warning light. It seems like check engine lights cry wolf a lot so I wasn't worried when Darrin mentioned it. Five minutes later we got off the interstate to change Miles' diaper only to discover a massive oil leak and a smoking engine. Uh oh.
I abandoned the situation and took Miles inside McDonald's to take care of business (b/c I don't deal well and I have an extremely competent husband that handles stuff like that for me). While I was inside, I said a quick prayer that God would help us with the details & please let it not be as bad as it seemed. I came outside five minutes later to find a stranger under our hood. He offered a few ideas about what it could be, told us where the nearest Toyota dealership was (only 15-20 away) and offered a few tips about towing expense b/c he used to be an insurance adjuster. Then he asked if he could pray with us before he left. He was so nice, and only the beginning of my answered prayer. He said the nicest prayer and was on his way.
Miles stayed entertained with the
iPad while we waited for my mom to get there. He was very good and only started melting towards the end, when it was past his bedtime. Who could blame him? I might have thrown a fit if I could have gotten away with it.

Long story short....we had the vehicle towed....they called on Saturday to say that the problem was recall related and that it would be covered by Toyota, including the towing expense. Another prayer answered. There were a few things showing up on the diagnostics when they hooked the car up so it still needed to be looked at on Monday when the main mechanic came in. The dealership was nice enough to loan us a car to drive home on Sunday. The dealership called today to say that everything was fine and we could come get it. Darrin drove three hours round trip to take the loaner back and retrieve my vehicle. Bottom line...major kink in the weekend plans but everyone is fine and we aren't out any money. Thank you Lord for the nice stranger, the efficient wrecker service, the close Toyota dealership, the loaner car, my mom for getting there quickly & safely, and that we weren't out a dime.
Miles on the way home on Sunday (note the Cheerios between his legs) and it sums up how we all felt...

I'm practically falling asleep as I type this b/c it's so boring. There's not much else to discuss these days. The terrible twos are here, but we love that kid more every day....fits and all. I'm busy at work and at home, so blogging might slack a little for a couple weeks until I can get things under control. Wordless Wednesday has made at least one day of blogging very easy, so see you in a couple days...
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