Time to catch up. I've taken a lot of pictures lately...not b/c there's been anything that important going on...instead it's just beautiful outside which makes me want to take pictures.
Miles got the lawnmower toy that blows bubbles & he LOVES it. It makes me laugh to see him walk around the yard with it b/c every time someone says "before you know it he'll be..." (in reference to how fast kids grow up), Darrin's response is "cutting the grass".

"Working on the lawnmower"...notice the dirt on his leg from all his hard work...

Yesterday I bought this pool at a neighbor's yard sale to give us something else to do around the house. While Darrin was grilling dinner, Miles had an impromptu play time with the hose & the new pool.
Darrin tried to teach him how to drink out of the water hose....it's going to take some time...

After the suggestion of his Daddy, he decided to get his hair wet and learned that the water was very cold...

On a side note, he also wore his sunglasses for a large part of the day, including when he was playing inside.

Today, we went to church and then went out to lunch with some friends. Miles only took at 45 minute nap and woke up crying hysterically. Not sure what that was all about, but we are guessing a stomach ache. Usually he sleeps 2-4 hours on Sunday afternoon, so we had more time than usual to play outside today.
We decided to wash both cars & clean out the garage. Both were much needed and I am so glad to have them finished. I thought Miles would enjoy helping us and just being outside around the water. He helped for about five minutes, and then he was over it.

He did not like even the mist from the hose. He would say "No Daddy" repeatedly meaning that he didn't want Darrin to spray him.

He sure was a cute helper...

I was afraid he was getting sunburned despite the sunscreen, but he was just hot.

We finished off the day with some play time with Ansley....

It's been a busy, but good weekend so far. Looking forward to more fun tomorrow with Darrin's family.
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