I took him to the walk-in clinic close to our house. When i walked in, I bet there were 20 people already there (even though they'd only been open for 10 minutes). Shortly after we arrived I realized that there were no diapers in his diaper bag. Darrin & I are terrible at packing a bag. Seriously terrible. I thought to myself...surely I won't need one since he's already had a dirty diaper this morning. Yeah right, of course I needed one. Nice.
We were called back surprisingly fast. I'm not sure how I passed the other 18 people that were already there, but I didn't ask any questions. Maybe they wanted to get Miles & his stinky diaper out of there. His flu test was negative. His lungs & ears were fine. Just a sinus infection. We were sent home with several prescriptions. Hoping they work quickly and that he can go back to daycare on Monday. I don't want to share germs, but mommy & daddy really need to work.
Since it's midnight and I still have a little blogging left in me, here are some random thoughts:
1) My headaches have been terrible lately. I have phone conference with my doctor on Tuesday. I'm going to ask to switch to antibiotics. I originally chose a homeopathic treatment b/c my body doesn't always tolerate antibiotics that well. At this point, that is the lesser of two evils.
2) Miles was 17 months yesterday. That seems unbelievable. We love him more every day.
3) Darrin & I are completely addicted to Monopoly on the xBOX. I beat him 2 out of 3 times which just makes it that much more fun.
4) I am really excited about the football games tomorrow. I worked around the house a lot today so that tomorrow could be devoted to football. Go Packers! If the Packers lose tomorrow, I could care less who wins the Superbowl.
5) I found a blog that offers free fonts. Very cute & very easy to install. I was like a kid in a candy store.
6) I spent a ton of time on my blog design tonight. I wanted a design that doesn't change with the seasons, and that doesn't have a picture in the header. Those two things just create too much work b/c you constantly have to change the background and update the picture. If you blog, you know what I mean. If you don't, trust me, blogging is a serious time commitment. Sometimes it's fun and sometimes it's a chore. I want to do a few other little things to the design and then I'm going to stick to just posting and leaving everything else the same.
Time for me to call it a night. I'm sleepy, and tired of sitting in front of the computer. Good night all.
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