Miles had his 9 month visit with Dr. Bates today. He was 29.5" long (85
th percentile) and 20.6lbs (48
th percentile). His weight has dropped a lot in the percentiles, and is the lowest he's ever been in any category. Dr. Bates said not to fret. He's becoming more active and burning a lot of calories. He said that babies are unlike adults and need a lot of high calorie, high fat food for brain development. He already eats a lot in terms of quantity. We just need to up the calorie in take. I wish I could find a doctor to tell me that.

This is our attempt to entertain Miles while waiting.

He was good, as usual. He cried for less than 10 seconds after getting his shots. I think being pinned down was more
upsetting to him than the actual shots. He's such a wiggle worm these days. Changing his diaper and getting him dressed in the morning has become quite a task. By the time we get in the car to go to daycare, I am worn out.
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