I had my 20 week dr's appointment today. Everything went fine, no problems. The due date is still very much on track for September 8. The heartbeat was 140 beats/minute which is right in the middle, so I don’t have a guess if it’s a boy or girl. The baby weighs 13.5 oz, which is also on track. The baby moved the entire time we did the ultrasound. In the ultrasound technician's words, “our baby was a lot of fun”.

Cute feet! Take a look because they will never be this small again. This poor child will inevitably have enormous feet. Darrin wears a 14, and I wear an 8.5 (and I'm only 5' tall).

We stuck to our original plan of not finding out what we are having, even though it was REALLY hard. Knowing that all we had to do is ask and we would know was torture. I've always wanted to be surprised, and Darrin is gracious enough to go along with it, so for now....we still don't know what we are having.