
Sunday, February 23, 2025

Catch Up

I feel like this is the same song different verse, but I've been having problems uploading pictures. I do believe that I have FINALLY have a permanent solution, so we'll see I had to do something because my phone was running out of storage and I had to get all the pictures off of it. Problem solved for now. So here's a wrap up of the last couple weeks.

Carson and I enjoyed playing out in the snow. It was very cold. We couldn't get Darrin or Miles to join us. I finally got some new snow pants after using the same ones for over 15 years :) I know this because I bought them for a ski trip from before Miles was born.

A little UNO in the car while Miles had an orthodontist appointment.

We were under a tornado warning recently. Carson was completely freaked out while the sirens were going off because Darrin wasn't home. He tends to be nervous when Darrin isn't home. 

I relented and we went to Stephanie's storm shelter to calm his mind. A little UNO there too. 

We celebrated Marmee's birthday with some Chickfila and presents. We have a nicer meal planned when the weather warms up.

More UNO.

Valentine's Day ready for everyone.

Carson and Miles got baseball related things. Darrin got more silicone wedding rings. I'm pretty sure he's had 15+ rings at this point. 

Every year we have a Super Bowl of Goodness contest at church. It's a breakfast cook off. I decided that morning I wanted to try to win it. I went to Walmart at 7am to get fresh flour and some individual cups for my breakfast. I made Cinnamon Flop and won!! I had to leave at the end of church during the announcements to get Carson home and ready for baseball practice. Right after I walked out, our preacher said the the winner just walked out the door :) That's really funny to me. I'm still excited I won. I LOVE when people like my cooking.

More UNO with Granny & Pa.

Carson has been using a new app to draw. I think he's doing great!

This is what happens when you wait until your laundry is overflowing to do it. And also when you just throw everything in the dirty clothes because you don't feel like putting it away. It was 3 loads.

I was away from my phone for 3 hours to attend a class about tinctures. When I got back to my phone, I had 45 unread texts. The group chat was active y'all.

He always leaves me surprise selfies.

Carson's basketball season came to an end.

A little coaching from big brother between the semifinal game and the championship game.

They finished as runner ups. 

They played there little hearts out. 

He was sad, but gave it all he had. 

Marmee, Granny, and Pa all came to see him play. 

It won't be long and Carson will overtake me too. 

His best friend won the championship. 

He played every minute of the semifinal and championship game. I don't think I've ever seen him look so exhausted. 

It was a fun season and he's already talking about next year. On to baseball now. We all know that's the most wonderful time of the year for me :):):) Let's go SGC, Top Notch, and Beast! I'm hitting publish without proofing a word of this, so hopefully you did the best you could to read through the typos!

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Less Words Wednesday

70 degrees and sunshine called for a walk with friends. None of us really wanted to walk, but we knew we needed the vitamin D.

Carson practiced at home more this week and it showed in his games. He had a lot of fun too.

He had a friend over after baseball practice. His friend had to wear some of his clothes since he had on baseball clothes and stayed unexpectedly. When we took him home, Carson walked him to the door and told his mom we needed the clothes back, so she stripped him there and gave them back to Carson before I knew what was happening. I told Carson that she would have washed them and given them back to us and he said, "Now when would she have remembered that?"

It was a friend kind of weekend.

Carson loves for us to watch him play. I took him to practice the other night. Every time he made a shot he would look to see if I was watching.

Darrin and Carson are watching a show about firefighters and Carson is so into it.

This weekend is the last weekend of basketball. His team is the 3 seed. They play a semi final game and if they win they go to the championship. He would be so happy to play in the championship game. 

Nachos on the counter is always a hit. Carson kept trying to push guac and cilantro on his friend, but he wasn't having it. Carson is oddly passionate about cilantro :) 

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Less Words Wednesday

Random pics from my camera roll. The boys are using their new-to-them basketball goal a lot. Miles has had early practice so he's home before it's dark. I've come home to this several times this week.

When the boys eat at the kitchen island, they both put one foot up on the middle barstool and eat like this.

When I'm coming home with groceries or anything that needs to be unloaded, I text in our group text and tell them I need their help. This is how they greet me when I pull up. 

Sometimes you just have to send your friends a good morning selfie when your morning was  completely derailed, but you pulled it together and you're heading to work with a smile. 

Making up math problems and solving them for "fun". Miles used to do the same thing. Also completely blinged out for school with two necklaces and a watch. 

Carson and I played UNO tonight and did Art for Kids while Darrin and Miles binge watched a show they are watching together.

I said we should measure Miles tonight. He's been at 5'10" for a while and he's not happy about being stuck there for months. Darrin is forever making things more complicated than they need to be. 

I don't know if I blogged about this for not. It's hard to keep up when you jump around like I have lately. Darrin filled in at Miles' school for the end of volleyball season because the coach went on maternity leave. It was a lot of fun. I think it reminded Darrin how much he missed coaching and it reminded me how much I enjoy his life after coaching. We both enjoyed this little stint though and Miles liked it too. 

Carson definitely wasn't as invested in it as Miles was at that age, but I did manage to get a few pics of him on the bench. It reminded me of the time when Miles was on the bench with Darrin during a game and Miles asked Darrin to move because he couldn't see the game. That makes me laugh so hard thinking about it. Miles was very involved back in the day. 

I'm still doing my own nails and really enjoying it. I went with Valentine nails and it's giving me spring vibes. 

I've had fakes ferns on my front porch for a couple years now. I went with some fake fall flowers this year and likes them too. The fake collection will be making it's way to the pool next year. No one enjoys watering the flowers all summer long so we are going to see if I can make fakes ones look good enough. Last year the real ones never looked good anyway, so I sure don't want to spend all summer watering them if they aren't even going to look good. 

Carson and I looked at our wedding album last night. He told me I look the same, so basically he can have whatever he wants now :) I need to find a picture of my mom when she was this age. We look so much alike here. 

Carson and I went to the park to do a bottle flip challenge a couple months ago and it made his year. He saw the game on YouTube. It's basically H-O-R-S-E with bottle flipping. 

I have to say, it was pretty fun. We did it with Darrin around the house a couple times, but driving to the park to play was really fun for him. We even went to the store to buy just the right bottles. 

I found this picture of Miles recently. It's from the first night he ever caught. Oh the places he'll go and it all started here. I remember vividly how much he loved it that first night :)

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Before & Afters

When we decided to move Miles into the guest room, the only thing we did was buy a new bedspread. His room has looked like a guest bedroom for 3 years now.

Since then we added his gaming desk and painted his bathroom vanity. We have plans to redo the bathroom, but I don't know when that will happen, so we had to make sure his wall color coordinated with his navy blue vanity. Surprisingly, we did pretty well even though paint colors are not my strong suit. 

It's called Web Gray. It has a blueish tint to me so I like it with the bathroom and lucky enough the bedspread still works.

Carson helped me get the room ready while Miles and Darrin went to a hitting lesson. He took all the outlet covers off and helped me clean the walls and fill the holes. He was very happy to use his toolbox from Granny & Pa. 

I trimmed and Miles came behind me with the first coat. 

He left me after the first coat to go to his girlfriend's house. I painted the second coat while he was gone. I realized how hard of a color it was to paint and what a good job he did. It said it had a one coat guarantee and maybe we should have left it at that. You can see roller marks when the light hits it but overall it's fine.

The end result was exactly what I was going for. I didn't want to paint the furniture, but I wanted to somehow make it look more manly. The color did the trick. 

He's been asking me to move the furniture around, but I was against it. He was right. It fits a lot better like this. 

His gaming desk fits perfectly in this corner. 

Over the last couple weeks, we've finished the decor. We framed some baseball pics from both travel teams. The pictures look small, but they are 14x11 each , so they cover this blank wall well. I can't believe we managed to get these level on the first try. 

I found a cool, and functional, lamp. It's super bright when needed and you can dim it. He also has the bendable light for his schoolwork since he does homework in his bed a lot. 

He's had a white dry erase board in his room for a while. He likes to write quotes and stuff, so I found this clear acrylic. I bought some neon markers thinking they would show up against the paint, but they don't really. Orange does, but black is the best. We also bought some magnetic strips for above his desk so he can change out awards and pictures. 

He is so happy with it and every time I walk in I remember how much I love it too. Next up is Carson's room. He's been told he can have a new room when he's ready to part with around 50 stuffed animals and his little Tykes basketball goal from when he was a toddler. I think it will be a while.