
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

2019 Recap & the Plan for 2020

I happened upon my new year's blog post from Jan. 1 of this year and saw my goals for 2019. I actually like how simple and reasonable they were. To report back, I didn't blog more. Ironically I already told Darrin that was a goal for 2020, even before I knew it was for 2019 also. I had good intentions to be more prepared for Christmas but alas I did not do that either. The fact that Thanksgiving was so late didn't help. I have to say that is a goal for 2020 as well. I had already thought about that too. I might have done a little better preparing at night so mornings weren't so rushed. There is still much room for improvement in that area. I feel like I accomplished the last two goals. I stepped up my dress game for work and definitely pushed myself harder at the gym. Since Darrin and I joined 9 Round it has been easy to work harder. The format just lends itself to that for me.

I thought I would talk about a few things that happened in 2019. Carson was potty trained! He did a great job and was a quick learner.

Carson graduated to a big boy bed. I would have preferred to leave him in his crib for much longer, but he kept climbing out of it.

It's been the year of accidents for Miles. He chipped his two front teeth during recess.

He got hit by a line drive while pitching. Thankfully, the bill of his hat caught the brunt of the ball and that protected him.

He busted his pinky nail on a bat while throwing down a batter from catcher to third. This injury proved to be the most painful, but was a surprisingly fast recovery.

In one of the most notable events from this year, I resigned from my job of 18 years and only lasted three days at the new job. Definitely not the highlight of my year, but it has proved to be a valuable experience and has given me tremendous perspective. 

We grew a huge garden and may have ruined the fun of a garden for us forever. We will have a new plan in 2020. I'm not sure what that looks like, but it won't be anything of this proportion. 

We watched a lot of baseball. We enjoyed time with friends and enjoyed watching Miles play. Carson loved being outside during our baseball adventures.

At times, our team lived up to our self given name of the "Real Housewives of Medina". Sometimes competitive sports is not for the faint of heart. 

We went on a "trip" to the beach where Miles played in a World Series. It was a fun trip. The boys loved the beach and definitely made good memories.

There were countless 4-wheeler rides, which never get old for Carson.

We endured some rough patches with Carson. Life, specifically communication, is frustrating at times for him and we are doing our best to guide him through it. 

We celebrated Carson's 3rd birthday.

And Miles hit double digits on his birthday.

The stars aligned and Darrin and I celebrated our 43rd birthdays and our 18th anniversary with a weekend away, something that has never during volleyball season. 

Car rides weren't anymore fun in 2019 than they were in 2018. Here's hoping 2020 brings some progress in this area.

Darrin had an unforgettable volleyball season, breaking records and earning coach of the year. It was a fun year with these girls, on and off the court.

We lost my nephew to cancer in December. It has been incredibly sad, and heartbreaking to watch my family endure this. He is and was so special. He was witty, fun, genuine, and kind. His celebration of life was such proof of how loved he was by so many.

Now, I am looking forward to 2020 with this crew. 

Darrin and I had some conversation in the car the other day about our goals and plans for the new year. I can't say I had much on my mind. Some quick thoughts are:

1) Blog more. I want Carson to have as many memories on the blog as Miles does. 
2) Be diligent and hard-working in my job. This is not new, but more of a continual goal to always do my best and put forth my best effort.
3) Get involved in a small group at church and really invest in relationships. We've been consumed in the last year mostly with parenting, but it feels as though we have a reprieve and have the time and energy to spend on a small group. We start this Sunday.
4) Accomplish some short term financial goals that we have for our family budget. This will require us to be a little more earnest than we have been. We shall see...
5) Tackle some projects around the house, mainly small decorating plans or cosmetic things. I want to paint the living room, entry way, and hallway, rearrange/decorate the sun room, and add some décor around the house. Also, I'm always on a mission to purge and organize, so I will find areas in the house that need that. 
6) Eat healthier and absolutely serve the kids better options. This is a must for all four of us.

Like I said, just some quick thoughts, no major life changing resolutions for me. I do love a new year and a clean slate, full of possibilities. Happy New Year! May God bless this year and all that is to come.

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