
Monday, December 28, 2020

Last Night

I've mentioned on here several times how I loathe forts. I understand that they inspire creativity and boys will be boys, but the mess makes me cringe. Carson constructed the biggest, messiest fort we've seen in quite some time. I will say, he cleaned it up 100% by himself and you have to give him some style points. He put his toys all around it as if he was decorating his house. 

We've been telling Carson for a couple weeks that after Christmas he was going to have to go to bed by himself. Darrin is tired of laying down with him because it makes him so tired by 8:30pm every night. When I was reminding Carson last night that he had to either go to bed in his bed or Miles' bed, but both would be by himself because Miles wasn't ready to go to sleep, he climbed up in Darrin's lap and tried to sweet talk him. He was whispering in his ear "I not want to go night night by myself".

He must have gotten tired because I heard him walk in Miles' room and tell Alexa to turn off the light. Miles has his desk lamp and fan connected to an echo dot. In order to turn off his desk lamp, you have to say "Alexa, turn off my desk". Carson was saying, "Lexa, turn off Bubba light" :) I used the app on my phone to turn it off and then it got quiet. Since we couldn't see Miles' room from where we were, we chose to take our chances and hope he had climbed up to Miles' loft bed and gone to sleep. When we looked 10 minute later, he was fast asleep.

Even though he was incredibly proud of himself and we bragged on him all day, he fought us a little tonight. For some reason, he was more awake and much later than usual. He went to bed once and got up, but after taking him back, I think he's down for the night. I hope this is a major turning point for bedtime in our house. Darrin is so happy to have his nights back. Fingers crossed we can stay with it without too much of a struggle.

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