
Friday, February 28, 2020

The End of 20 Things

I missed two nights b/c I fell asleep on the couch both nights before 9pm, but I'm back to finish up 20 Things!

16) Carson is the best medicine taker ever. 

He asks for it everyday and then insists on doing it himself. He also asks for his vitamins multiple times a day. He always says, "I did not have my bitamins today". Both boys take a multivitamin, vitamin C, Elderberry, and a probiotic everyday. One of Miles' chores is to put the vitamins in their pill cases every week. I'm a big believer in vitamins after my experience with Lyme disease. They've been healthy for the most part this winter. Just an occasional sickness like last week, but nothing lasted long.

17) Every now and then they play well together. It's happening more and more and I'm not sure who is most excited about it. It makes Carson happy, but it also makes Miles really happy. Darrin and I are so relieved they aren't fighting, screaming, or telling on each other and actually play well together for five minutes.

18) Serious bed head on a Saturday morning. He had just woken up and even though I don't recall exactly, I'm certain he asked me for 30 minutes of electronic time with his first words of the day.

19) The nesting penguins that he got for Valentine's Day are still a big hit. 

He plays with them all the time.

20) We took the changing table out of Carson's room and replaced it with a big boy dresser. The only baby boy thing left in his room is the monitor. I have plans to redo his bedroom this summer. When I do that, the monitor will come down and the recliner will go. We still read books many nights before bed and still check on him occasionally on monitor, mostly just to see if he is asleep at night or nap time. For now, I'm pleased with how his room looks. 

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