
Monday, February 24, 2020

20 Things Continued

Back again with 5 more things...making my way to 20 total this week.

6) We celebrated Valentine's Day. As I've said many times, Darrin and I aren't traditional gift givers. Sometimes we celebrate holidays and sometimes we don't. It just depends on what we have going on, if there are things we want or need, and what other things we may have bought lately. I decided to buy Darrin some Apple earbuds, b/c I got a great deal. And, I knew he would love them, but never buy them for himself. I was right and he loves them so much. I bought myself a clutch purse from him :) It fits perfectly in my bigger purse and can transfer to my computer bag when needed. Let's face it, he never could have picked that out, so I just took care of it myself. It has turned out to be exactly what I needed.

Darrin got the boys donuts and we opened gifts before school. I think they are starting to look alike!

They each got a book and something fun. Miles got a pop socket for the "house" cell phone and Carson got some nesting penguins that have been a big hit.

7) We had two visits with my mom, one at our house and one at her house. 

Darrin was recruiting one weekend, so the boys and I made a quick trip to celebrate Marmee's birthday. 

The boys loved playing with all of her toys. The fact that they were at Marmee's house made them way more fun. Carson destroyed her house over and over all weekend, but I don't think she minded. He was like a little tornado.

We went out to dinner with my brother & his family, which included my great nephew, Will. It was a joy to see the boys together. Miles and Will acted very civilized at dinner, while Carson was a hot mess. At one point, I picked him up to take him to the bathroom and have a little chat. On the way to the bathroom, he looked at me with the most serious face and said, "What are you doing to me?"

8) I wore mismatched earrings to church one day. Unintentionally of course. That was fun, but I don't think anyone noticed. If they did they were kind enough to let me roll with it.

9) Darrin has been on several recruiting trips. We actually don't talk much when either of us travels b/c it seems to disrupt the boys, but we make an exception every now and then. I love how sweet and innocent they appeared for him when we Facetimed.

Everyone is always happy when dad comes home...all four of us actually.

10) Granny & Pa came to visit. We chilled at the house for a while and then they went with Darrin, Miles, and Carson to the movies. They had actually seen the same movie the night before, but thought it would be fun to watch the boys enjoy it. Definitely a grandparent thing to do!

Carson really liked the movie and Darrin said he did much better than Frozen II. However, I think there is still room for some improvement.

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