
Sunday, November 20, 2022

Weekend Wrap Up

Such a action packed, fun weekend! The boys ate Mexican to kick off the weekend. I was running some errands after work for a party we hosted on Saturday.

I had my first peppermint milkshake of the season.

Exciting news...Miles got his cast off!!! He said his arm feels great. He has one week of light practice and then he's released for full play. Talk about a best case scenario.

Carson went to a birthday party for a girl in his class. She hooked him up with a wrist band when we got there. It was so cute the way she put it on for him. She's a take charge kind of girl and I like it!

She changed into a sparkly dress to open her presents and I think Carson approved :)

Miles had two basketball games. He wasn't released for the games, but he was able to shoot around in warm ups. He's ready to get back out there next week. 

We hosted a Friendsgiving for our baseball team parents. My friend brought a hostess gift. She was joking with me about my love for puzzles, but I'm pretty happy about it.

I planned several games because we are a competitive bunch. We tend to gather in the kitchen around the island, so I purposely planned games that we could play there. A new game that was perfect for the island was the Hot Wheels Challenge

Left, Center, Right is always a hit.

I know the saran ball game has been around for years, but I had never made one or played it. That was a lot of fun to play and watch. If you are making a sarah ball, my tips are to use the cling wrap from a home improvement store that is very wide and used for packing and to put space between the gifts so you ensure one person doesn't get two gifts in one turn.

The men watched some football, but they were nice to play most of the games. I think my favorite game of the night was the Bowl Game. It was simple, but fun. We laughed so, so hard.

Love these people!

Miles left this morning on a school trip for a couple days.

Carson was sad to see him go. 

Carson played outside all afternoon. I went out to check on him when it was almost dark and he was in our neighbor's house eating chicken and dumplings. They have started feeding him dinner almost every weekend. Miles would never make himself at home like that, but Carson has no issue with it. He fell and scraped his cheek and under his nose earlier in the day. His nose bled a little bit. I thought it was worse than it was, but he was back outside in less than 10 minutes after a quick ice pack.

My mom bought us a new Christmas puzzle. It is so much more fun than the Halloween puzzle.

I am not mentally prepared for work tomorrow after such a busy weekend. At least it is a short weekend with Thanksgiving. Here's hoping we feel rested after some good sleep. 

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