
Monday, April 11, 2022

Two Week Wrap Up

It's a two week kind of wrap up since I haven't been here in two weeks.

We went to the zoo over spring break with our buddies, Bane and Bo.

Even though the sun was shining bright, it was freezing.

Carson loved the carousel. It made me think about the time that we didn't have cash for Miles to go on it when he was little.

The boys had a great day together. They don't get to be around each other a lot, but they always have fun and Miles never minds being the only older kid. 

Carson had his first game and he LOVED it! He struck out twice. I think he was nervous. He was barely swinging. On the way home, I asked what his favorite part of the game was. He said it was watching his friends hit the ball :)

He played against one of his daycare friends, Brady. 

He played his second game last Friday night and it was absolutely freezing. He got a hit and had fun running the bases. In the middle of the game, he called me over and said, "I'm hungry and I want to go home." Me too, Carson, me too.

My mom gave us the fire pit from her backyard. Darrin and Miles had to take it apart and move it to our house. It was actually a big job, but we love it and can't wait to use it.

We had to resort to glow sticks in the bathroom to reset his mood.

We've been playing HECOstix.

Carson does take after me in a few ways...he likes Cadberry eggs.

This deserves a post by itself, but Carson had a field trip to tour the school where he will go to kindergarten. It was bittersweet, but he is ready.

We had another baseball weekend. These boys never tire of each other.

I like that they can hang with any of the kids on the team and have fun. 

We play a lot of teams that pull kids from a wide radius. All but one of our boys go to school together. It makes it fun for them and for the parents.

Brothers after the game.

Mom squad.

Saturday was COLD, but Sunday was beautiful.

Miles' girlfriend, Reece, came to the games on Saturday with one of his teammate's twin sister. This was the extent of their interaction all day :)

The boys came up short, but we soaked up the sunshine. 

Between Miles' two teams and Carson's team, we are busier than ever. Hopefully it won't be another two weeks before I'm back. And....I pushing publish without proofreading. I just can't. I'm too tired and I always miss stuff anyway! 

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