
Monday, August 2, 2021

First Day of 6th Grade & Meet the Hornets

Sixth grade began today. Miles was so excited. He looks forward to the first day of school every year. He said he was excited to see his friends everyday.

The sixth graders from his youth group met at the park next to the school and walked over together. I have such fond members of my youth group. I hope Miles has the same, memorable experience. It was so vital for my faith and offered different relationships than I had in school and sports. I hope it's the same for him. 

There are more 6th graders in their youth group, but not everyone could come today. The boys are seriously outnumbered by the girls when everyone is present. We had to convince them to stand next to each other. They officially start youth on Wednesday.

And they are off! Hopefully to a great year. Miles said he had a good first day. He was super talkative after school telling me all about his teachers. He's excited to go back tomorrow.

Tonight, was Meet the Hornets at school. We went to the football field and they introduced every player from every sport. 

This is the sixth grade basketball team. 

Miles was nervous, but he said he had fun. He's very social and any chance to get to hang out with his friends is a good time.

Even though, he was in middle school last year, sixth grade feels officially like middle school. Some milestones are hard, but this one doesn't feel hard to me. It's so fun to watch him grow and mature. I am so excited to see what the year holds. 

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