
Tuesday, January 19, 2021

12 Pics from the Last 2 Days

The boys were happy (and surprised) when I joined them on the trampoline without them even asking. They are loving the trampoline and jump almost everyday.

Carson loves silly faces. He was saying "cheeseburger" in this one.

He is very into "helping" these days. He wanted to help me make dinner and said his monkey wanted to help too.

I have to make up excuses for him to help. Pouring the spices in a dish and stirring them around was a great job for him. I found an old apron that Miles had when he was little and he was very happy about that.

Darrin and I both had off work yesterday for MLK day. We spent some of the day catching up on the news. Not fun, but necessary I suppose. I'm actually glad that we don't have a lot of time to study the news. 

We worked out together since we could. He burns almost twice as many calories as I do and yet I look like this.

Miles' team had a game tonight. Games and practice this season haven't been very consistent due to Covid, but at least they have been able to play some. 

Carson is still going to bed like a champ. Tonight marks a week that he has been climbing in bed with zero resistance and staying there all night. We are so thankful! He sleeps with approximately 75 stuff animals. It drives me crazy, but there is no changing his mind and that's the least of my worries.

Crazy hair, don't care!

With the milder weather, baseball practice is picking up. We've bought new cleats, a new bag, and catcher's gear. We are so excited for the upcoming season. We love spending time at the baseball field with our friends.

I'm sure this was mere seconds before a fight broke out, but they do have a deep love for each another.

I looked down at one of Miles' basketball games to find his mask safely stored in his slides. Gross!

It's only 9pm, but my bed is calling my name. I think it's one of those nights that requires 8 hours of sleep. I love staying up late, but I finally hit a wall every now and then. Good night!

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