
Sunday, August 16, 2020

Weekend Wrap Up

My weekend got started with a legs only work out. My right shoulder has been hurting for the last 6-9 months. After two ortho appointments and two cortisone shots, it's been determined that I need shoulder surgery. He said I can't hurt it any worse, so I'm free to work out and do whatever I want, and when I am tired of dealing with the pain, I can schedule surgery. It's a 12 week recovery, with 6 weeks in a sling, so I'm not running to sign up for that. The pain is not fun and affects my daily life, not just working out. So, I'll have to consider it at some point. I left the gym on Wednesday convinced that I was going to have to cancel my membership b/c I can't use my right arm at all anymore. As I went to sleep that night, I started thinking about how I could work out with my legs and continue cardio. Friday was my first attempt and I left so excited that this will work. I burned just as many calories and felt like I got a great work out. 

Granny and Pa came to spend the night. We played cards while Carson watched TV and played by himself. When he was ready to go to sleep, he said, "I ready to go night night" and came to give us all hugs. We had a milestone with him this weekend...we took the baby monitor and recliner out of his room. He's a big boy now!

On Saturday morning, Darrin, Pa, and Miles left around 6am to go fishing. I tried to convince Carson to sleep in, but he was up shortly after they left. Granny played puzzles with Carson while I cooked and did laundry. 

As always, we had a fun visit with Granny and Pa.

I think we had a first this weekend and I'm actually pretty embarrassed to admit it. When Carson got undressed to take a bath at 7pm on Saturday night, he was still wearing the clothes he wore to daycare on Friday. If I had the embarrassed monkey emoji, I would insert it here. I rarely let our kids go to bed without a bath in the summer, but if I do, I always make them change clothes and wash their hands, arms, and face. It was a totally slacker mom two days. I kept looking at him and shaking my head on Saturday, but then I did nothing about it :)

After church this morning, the boys cleaned out the shop while I cooked and did more laundry. 

Darrin and Miles played golf this afternoon. Darrin has a golf outing soon with some fellow coaches and he hasn't hit a golf ball in a L-O-N-G time. He's trying to get some practice swings in and Miles jumped at the chance to play. I think they had a great time.

Carson hung out inside while I finished up with the things I needed to do. He was so happy to eat Granny's leftover chicken and dumplings for lunch AND dinner!

We played outside in the gorgeous weather while we waited for Darrin and Miles to come home. He was drinking a Sprite and said it was his energy drink. 

Tomorrow is the first day of school and Miles could not be more excited. His backpack is ready to go with all his supplies including his mask. This year will obviously be much different, but we hope that school is able to stay in person. He misses school so much and does not want to have to go online. His teacher sounds fantastic and he has so many great friends in his class. His teacher sounds like she will make the best of a weird year with awkward processes. She has a fifth grade son, so that is always helpful for the relatable factor. 

We are so excited for a great year. Carson started pre-K at his daycare last week. I'll be back tomorrow with pictures of both!

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