
Monday, November 4, 2019

It Finally Happened!

First of all, I went to work out this morning. I knew I would struggle, and I did, but I actually did feel pretty good after I got ready and went to work. Usually I'm not one that feels great for the rest of the day as I hear other people say, but today was pretty nice. I felt like I had been awake for hours when I rolled into work at 8am. I might be using this option when I can't work out another time.

Well, after five years and two months in school, Miles was finally chosen as student of the month by his teacher, Ms. Chelsea. It has been a long standing joke for years that he's never been picked. The kid makes perfect grades, gets chosen to help his teachers whenever they need a "responsible" helper, and has pretty good behavior. Yet for some reason, Student of the Month has always alluded him. Please hear me say that I do not have a problem with's just been a mystery to me. He did get chosen by the PE teacher once (whom we love) but never recognized by a subject teacher. It's just been funny to me, but we can put this one to rest! He and Ms. Chelsea click and we are very thankful for her.

Carson was happy to see two of his friends tonight. Tucker...

...and Charlie. He played with Charlie during the PTO meeting, which opened with prayer. He was so loud during the prayer. I literally had my face in my hands and not b/c I was deep in prayer :)

Miles was nervous to walk out in front of everyone to accept his award, but he did it.

Carson was quite proud of Miles. He was yelling "Bubba" and "Bub" over and over as he was walking back from getting is certificate. Miles was laughing and maybe a little embarrassed, but I think he really liked it too. Carson doesn't always reciprocate Miles' affection, so I think Miles enjoyed it.

When we walked out of the meeting, it was dark outside from time change. Carson had a melt down that he had to ride with me instead of Darrin. He kept saying, "I not want to go with you!" Darrin was supposed to go straight to practice, but he took Carson home b/c he was that unreasonable. On the way home, Miles started crying b/c Darrin had to leave and go to practice. I think volleyball season is getting long and daylight savings sent them over the edge tonight. After lots of tears and chaos, they are asleep! Time for some downtime and then sleep for me.

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