
Sunday, April 15, 2018

Weekend Wrap Up

Here are 8 pics from our weekend and beyond b/c I'm super tired and coherent thoughts would be a stretch. We've been burning the candle at both ends for a while now and I think it's catching up to us. Plus, the baby child is a smidge difficult :)

Donuts, and food in general, make him pretty happy. He's not quite as interested in food these days, but he knows what the good stuff is....sweets!

Carson managed to eat a whole meal while sitting in the same place, on his own. We've tried four different high chairs. Finally, Darrin said it's definitely not the high chair even though I would have tried for a 5th. It's so hard for me to believe b/c Miles loved his high chair so much. I think every blog post from 2010 to 2012 had a high chair picture. Examples A, B, and C.

Carson woke up on the wrong side of the bed on Saturday and stayed that way all day. He was insufferable. He's either teething or getting sick. He definitely has teeth coming in, so hopefully that's all it is. We finally went outside late in the day and stayed outside for a couple hours. It wasn't a pretty day, but at least it wasn't cold. He ventured out in the mud and at this point, I could have cared less.

He didn't really know what to think, but it interested him for a good while.

His shirt says "Here Comes the Fun", which is true on most days, but definitely not on Saturday.

Miles was able to get some good snuggles one day last week. Carson rarely sits still. He sat with me forever and watched AFV. I knew Miles would love the opportunity to sit with him while Carson was being so loving, so we switched places.

Miles rediscovered his love for golf during the Masters. He's decided that he wants to win the Masters, so he's been practicing. His clubs are just a little small. So, he went into our shop, went upstairs, found my clubs, and hauled them out to the front yard. He's been hitting them SO far with my clubs! In fact, we are going to have to find a driving range, b/c he almost hit one across the road.

This was Carson's way of telling me that he wanted to ride on the 4wheeler. There's not much the boy likes more than riding on the 4wheeler. When I finally gave in, it wouldn't start. He handled it surprisingly well. I made good on my promise the next day when I knew Darrin had fixed it.

I'm literally falling asleep while I'm typing. Forgive me if there are even more typos than usual. Good night!

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