
Monday, January 16, 2023

Weekend Wrap Up

We enjoyed a long weekend. Darrin had to work today, but the boys and I had off. We hung out at home on this rainy day. Carson and I made a shirt for the 100th day of school. We hot glued Legos with 100 dots to a shirt we already had (that was Miles'). Didn't spend a dime and we are ahead of schedule since he doesn't have to wear until Wednesday. That is winning!

Carson spent Friday night with Marmee. As soon as I turned on her street, he said, "Okay mom, goodbye" which meant that he wanted me to drop him off and leave. When I questioned him about it, he said, "I just want to enjoy my time." Before I could even get out the door, he had changed into his comfy clothes and was eating a snack. He was happy, happy.

He spent a lot of his weekend in front of the heater watching TV. 

Miles helped make lasagna on Sunday.

Marmee came over for dinner and football. 

Carson learned to tie his shoes! He came home from afterschool and said one of his teachers taught him and another boy. I can't tell you how nice that was for that teacher to take on something she didn't have to do, because sometimes we just don't feel like there are enough hours in the day to get everything done.

I ordered these headbands and they've bought me another day without washing my hair. They kind of squeeze my head off, but I'm trying to get used to them because they are easy and I like them.

Darrin and Carson threw a baseball for five minutes before there were tears. I remember these days with Miles. 

If you aren't using parchment paper in your air fryer basket, you are missing out. It saves so much cleaning. Also, cooking chicken in the air fryer is a game changer.

Miles is going to be a coach one day, no doubt. He was drawing up football plays during the game last night. 

Carson enjoyed some sunshine. He's still loving his 4-wheeler. Buying it over a gas operating one was absolutely the right move.

Miles' travel team started practice. I don't know who was happier, Miles or me. I was giddy waving at my friends as we were dropping the boys off. I love these people.

Carson is starting to learn more chores and earn some allowance. He's happy to earn some "dollars". I'm happy that he's showing some ability and interest to learn which has been questionable.

I finished my second book of the year already and it was a good one. It is a series, so I'm on to the next one, Wild at Heart. 

Miles celebrated his buddy, Brady's birthday. These boys played football at the park and had a great time.

Carson is getting better at playing games. He beat me at Golf today and beat Miles at Connect Four several times. 

We are ready to get our four day week started and get back to another weekend. We live for the weekends around here!

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