
Monday, October 31, 2022

Weekend Wrap Up & Halloween

Darrin was able to go watch some UU volleyball on senior night. Darrin recruited these great girls and they have been so important to Union. He was happy to watch them get a win.

I stayed home and watched Union on my computer and baseball on TV. After a long week at work, there's not much better than resting at home.

Saturday was a big day at our house...Carson learned to ride his bike! 

He's been asking Darrin to take his training wheels off for a couple weeks. I knew he would pick it up quickly and he did! He got it right away. He fell a few times in the grass and has some little scratches, but he said, "I LOVE this!"

Stephanie had to go to the Apple store, so I went along for the ride. While we waited, we found ourselves in the middle of a photo editing class. 

I took the whole class while Stephanie had her appointment....and managed to learn a few things. We got some shopping done and had a yummy lunch. We had plans to be home mid afternoon and rolled in around 5pm. That always seems to happen to us. A day well spent!

We worked a little of the Halloween puzzle and didn't get very far. It is hard and I am rethinking my purchase.

Carson actually wore his Halloween costume to school today. We usually have to change to plan B and go with a football jersey or a baseball uniform. They had truck or treat at school and he had a good time. George did not go with him to school.

Miles hurt his arm/wrist over the weekend while playing backyard football. It hurt all weekend, but we waited to take him to an ortho today. I knew a walk in clinic would just do an x-ray and then tell us to follow up with an ortho, so we cut out that step. He does not have a break, but the doctor wants to ensure it heals since there are growth plate concerns. He has a cast for two weeks and then maybe two more. He's missing a lot of basketball season, which is sad, but at least it's not baseball season.

Darrin and I took Carson trick or treating tonight. 

He is a very efficient trick or treater. His bucket was completely full in less than 45 minutes and he wanted to go home.

He kept saying, "this is so fun". 

He wasn't shy at all. We told him to say trick or treat and then thank you. Sometimes it came out "Thank you. Trick or treat" but he was a polite trick or treater. He finally said his legs hurt and his bucket was heavy, so we went home. 

Sorting the candy is my favorite part.

Miles is too cool for us these days, so he went to a friend's house tonight. Another Halloween is in the books.

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