
Monday, July 12, 2021

Happy Birthday, Carson!

Carson has been sufficiently celebrated! We started decorating yesterday morning before church. 

I decided to make the cupcakes myself this year. I have a cake decorating kit that I bought to make Carson's first birthday cake. Carson helped me. He did a pretty good job!

I'm all about making life easier a lot of the time, but this kind of stuff is fun for me when I can make time. 

I saved some time by ordering his Avengers decorations on Amazon instead of going to a party store. All of it came in a party pack. I will definitely do that again if he chooses a popular theme like he did this year.

Yesterday, we celebrated with the grandparents. Next weekend, he is having three friends over to swim.

He racked up on the presents!

He was so patient to let Miles basically do it for him. Normally, he would freak out about Miles helping, but I think he was eager to see what was inside, so he accepted the help.

He was all smiles until we starting singing happy birthday to him.

Then, he got very, very shy. It was very unusual for him. I can't think of much that embarrasses him.

More candles in a donut this morning before daycare. I think he was more excited about his party at school than anything. 

For some reason, he thought he didn't turn 5 until he had his party at school. We assured him that he was five when he woke up this morning, but he didn't believe us. When I came home from work, he smiled and said, "I'm five now".

We gave him the choice of McDonald's, Taco Bell, or Mexican b/c he loves all three, and he chose Mexican. He hung on Darrin all during dinner. Darrin said if he ever runs for president, Carson will definitely be his campaign manager. 

After dinner, we surprised Carson will mini golf. We weren't sure the weather was going to hold out, so we didn't say anything until we pulled up. He was unsure of the surprise, but excited after it sank in. He said, "why you do that surprise?"

Miles told me that he had fun at least five times. I'm glad he enjoyed Carson's birthday too. They fight and argue a lot, but Miles loves him so much.

My heart could burst with gratitude every year on his birthday when I think about his birth and God's favor towards us. He is such a fun kid that keeps us laughing. He mixes up words and phrases, and says the most off the wall things. He talks more than any kid I've ever been around...every answer leads to another question. He doesn't take life too seriously. He loves and cares deeply and has no problem expressing it. He warms our heart daily. He is happiness and joy. Happy birthday, Carson Lynn. We love you so much!

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