
Tuesday, March 24, 2020


Just a little randomness for this Tuesday. Even though school is canceled, Miles still looked like he was going to school when he walked out the door to go to work with Darrin.

He has school work in every subject, every day. He's been doing a really good job of keeping up with it. He and Darrin had to go to school to get more work one day last week. A lot of people are complaining about all the work, but I think it's good. Miles likes homework so it's not a struggle. I could see where it would be stressful with a kid that doesn't like school, especially if the parents are still working.

Carson is still coming to our bed during the night and bringing way too many stuffed animals. I think they multiply during the night.

We set some different rules for electronics and so far it's been working better. I still would like to throw them all out the window, but I'm trying manage for his sake.

Non-essential businesses are closed for the next two weeks. I used the Color Street nail strips for the first time to do my own nails. They were kind of a pain, but I'm liking them so far. Not a bad option at all. My hair, on the other hand, is going to turn into a desperate situation real quick.

We cored an apple and cut it into slices recently and now 'pineapple apples' are a thing around here. Just when he was getting sick of apple slices, they have completely reinvented themselves.

Since Darrin's job is on the non-essential list, he has been sent home for a couple weeks. We cleaned off Miles' desk and it's the new homework spot every morning.

Carson got a haircut just before the salons closed and he LOVES it. He and Darrin like it short. I like it a little longer, but I'm totally okay as long as he's this happy about it. He was having a fit every it fell on his forehead, so this feels much better to him.

COVID-19 has created such a weird time at work, church, home, and in our community. When it first started, I was so disappointed by everything that was getting canceled and how interrupted our lives felt. There are two good things that have come out of it. We love having Darrin home and the slower pace of life at home. We eat together and play games every night b/c there's not much else to do. There's just not as much to think about every night. The most entertaining thing that has come out of this are the memes. I crack up daily when looking at Facebook and as stressful as work has been, the laughter is very needed. Here are just a few of my favorites.

I'm not a fan of loaded teas, but I like to joke about people that are :) I'm pretty sure this is accurate for the loaded tea cult following.

How quarantine feels for me on the weekend. I stay busy and yet it still feels there are 36 hours in a day.

This is 100% accurate for me. I ate all weekend. Quarantine + gym closed = Big trouble when this is over.

My quarantine experience compared to the quarantine experiences I see on FB are two totally different things. I am very thankful to still be working and getting paid, but I would love a day or two of sitting at home.

The memes are keeping me going :)

I'll leave you with this. We have a cell phone at home that Miles can text us from. The other day I got this text from him while I was working. 'A' for effort.

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