
Thursday, December 26, 2019

All the Christmas Things

It's always hard to wrap up Christmas b/c there are so many different get togethers and a gazillion pictures. This year was no different. Here is what our Christmas looked like with just a few words.

PJ Day at daycare for Carson. Miles had pj day too, but he didn't participate. He's kind of outgrown that.


Watching TV in the living room and enjoying the tree after everyone has gone to sleep is one of favorite things about Christmas.

Working puzzles. When we got to the end of this one, which was a challenging puzzle, we were missing the last piece. Despite our efforts, we never found it :(

We've never done the Santa tradition except at daycare. Miles never liked him (or any characters) and honestly my kids have never behaved well enough to get dressed up, wait in a line, and sit nicely in Santa's lap, so we never put ourselves through that.

Our elf was fun this year. Sometimes he just moved around, but he also did some cute stuff like this.

We had some fun family time.

Carson got a Nerf gun the size of him. He loves all Miles' guns, but he can't cock them, so Uncle Steve and Aunt Crystal found one that doesn't have to be cocked. He loves it.

The cousins enjoyed hanging out together. They always have fun even though they range in age from 15-3.

Christmas Eve boxes are always a big hit. They get pjs, candy, cookies for Santa, and usually a book and toy.

We enjoyed a visit from Marmee. She's been out of town and had a few other things going on, so the boys were really glad to see her.

I enjoyed some extra time with the boys.

This is what Carson did when we told him to put his arm around his cousin, Emmitt.

I have to say that Carson's behavior has been pretty good over the holidays. He never bothered any of the presents or the tree. He inquired about the presents and when we could open, but he waited patiently until it was time.

Since Christmas was so warm, the boys loved playing outside. They rode a big wheel down a sizable hill over and over at Granny & Pa's house on Christmas Eve. Carson had the best time.

Carson loved seeing Pa.

Reindeer food on Christmas Eve.

When we walked outside, Carson said, "Here reindeer, here reindeer".

New pjs for Christmas Eve night.

Carson has enjoyed helping us cook over the holidays.

The boys slept on our floor on Christmas Eve. Miles fell asleep first and Carson immediately said, "I want to sleep in YOU bed." He's no dummy. He knows the bed > the floor.

Pure joy over what Santa brought. A Paw Patrol tower for Carson and a big Lego set for Miles. Carson told Darrin tonight that if he could see Santa he would tell him thank you for bringing this. He is the most grateful child ever.

Lots of presents, lots of paper, lots of smiles and happiness.

This was a fun year with the boys. Their gifts made sense and didn't feel too excessive. We enjoyed all the get togethers and spending time with family. We still have some fun ahead with my family this weekend so that is exciting!

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