
Sunday, October 13, 2019

Sick & Unhappy

We had a fun weekend of volleyball which I will blog about tomorrow, but today let's talk about a long week with Carson. He woke up in the middle of the night on Sunday night with a terrible cough. He tends to get a croupy cough every time the weather changes, which I had kind of forgotten about. The doctor has always told us that he has a narrow airway so any cough sounds exaggerated. This cough was definitely more significant than any he's had in a while, so we called the doctor to get him in on Monday. 

He's been complaining about his back hurting for a couple weeks, so the appointment was dual purpose. She said his lungs, ears, and throat looked fine, but she did want to take some x-rays to check on his back. She wasn't worried, but just to be safe. Everything came back normal, so that was good news! She said his cough was probably due to the change in weather. 

Darrin and I split Monday and Tuesday so we each worked a half day and stayed home with him the other half. It's hard for Darrin to take off this time of year, but I had some deadlines at work too. We managed and felt sure that he would be better on Wednesday. Unfortunately, he woke up during the night with a high fever. Our forehead thermometer wasn't working, so I tried to get him to put a regular thermometer under his tongue, but he wouldn't do it. He kept it under there for around 5 seconds and it was already up to 102. There is no telling how high it really was. 

Darrin ended up staying with him on Wednesday, I stayed home on Thursday, and Darrin's parents stayed home with him on Friday. It was a long week, but we managed. I was actually able to get quite a bit of work done on Thursday. 

The hardest part about Carson being sick is that when he feels bad, he acts TERRIBLE. Example A. I tried to give him a bath on Tuesday night and by the end of it the entire bathroom was covered in water, I was drenched, and he was screaming. There was so much water on the walls, floor, and mirrors, that it me two bath towels and one huge beach towel to clean is up. In complete rage, he threw an entire cupful in my face. When I finally got him out, he was begging and screaming for me to hold him. I sat down on his bedroom floor and held him while he cried. He felt so bad for how he had acted. Even though his behavior is so bad at times, he is usually very remorseful. He often says sorry without any prompting. I find that characteristic very interesting for a three year old and can't wait to see how that manifests as he is older. Miles doesn't really have that quality, as most kids probably do not, so I just think it's interesting. He seems to feel deeply with his emotions, whether it be joy, excitement, remorse, or sadness. 

He ended up running fever off and on until Friday. I think it was just a virus, but I did question if it was the flu b/c of how pitiful he was. I wanted to take him back to the doctor to see if it was the flu, but there was no reason to pay for a doctor's visit when there's nothing they could do anyway.

In the breaks when he would feel a little better, we tried to get a little fresh air. 

Being outside is the key to his happiness. He is an outdoor kid through and through. 

Last night, Miles fell asleep on the couch around 6pm which is very unusual. I thought I might jump out a window if he was sick, but he woke up after a little nap and appeared to be fine. He's been on fall break all week and while he hasn't done a whole lot, he has kept later hours than usual. I guess it just caught up with him.

I have off tomorrow for Columbus Day. I'm ready to send everyone to work, school, and daycare and get a few things done. We are so ready to get back into a regular routine around here!

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