
Saturday, December 22, 2018

Christmas Has Begun

I thought I would stop in and blog while I had a minute. It difficult to keep up with all the holiday pictures, so it will be good to add a few tonight and get ahead of it. Before we get into some pics, a little Christmas humor.

If only I was enough :)

Amen! Let's all pull it together for the next week, shall we? I have to say, in my 19 years in the workforce, my job has never been busier than it is right now. A busy job definitely takes a toll. 

And the truest of true. Merry Christmas, Darrin.

Carson had a party at school yesterday. His good friend, Charlie, fractured his leg and is in a cast. He hasn't been at school much this week, so Carson was happy to see him. 

His teacher actually sent this note home on Wednesday.

They had snacks. I promptly signed up for cheese cubes as to avoid another turkey debacle

They have the cutest gift exchange. The kids all bring a book and somehow they exchange them. Carson took "Dear Santa" and received a cute book that he really likes.

Carson with Max and Cooper. They all go to church together too.

Apparently, he was not a fan of Santa. When I saw the pictures on FB yesterday afternoon, all the kids were sitting in Santa's lap nicely. Then, I got to Carson's picture, and noticed that Ms. Cortney had to hold him. My kids just don't like characters. It seems like he loved the rest of the party.

We celebrated Christmas with Darrin's parents last night. Just like Miles did, Carson loves to watch the train go through this singing Christmas tree. Aunt Crystal patiently held him while he got his fill.

Miles was starving. He got his food and starting eating by himself :)

The kids' table, minus Carson, b/c he never has time to eat....except at daycare where apparently he eats all his food everyday. I don't get it.

The boys scored some great gifts.

I can't even deal with this face.

I was taking a picture of Carson hugging Pa and then I realized that Miles was hugging Granny at the exact same time. I will love this picture for a long time. 

Miles got a history book and immediately started reading it. He got a little overwhelmed b/c the pages are long, but one day he'll realize he can do it.

Olivia hung out with Carson while the adults played games. Miles and Ava were playing a game of their own.

We played a new game called "That's What She Said". Probably not the most appropriate game to play with your in laws, but they're cool like that.

I spent today sorting and wrapping presents, and grocery shopping. I really wanted to be completely finished with all the work, but I still have to go back to the grocery tomorrow. Walmart was out of several things that I needed. Here's hoping I can find them at Kroger. We are ready for a busy week of Christmas fun!

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