
Monday, January 9, 2017

It's a Big Day & Making Baby Food

It's a very exciting day around here. Miles was chosen as student of the month! He was chosen last year by the guidance teacher, which was really nice, but having his classroom teacher choose him this year meant so much to him. We are so proud of him. I'm hopeful this positive reinforcement will help encourage good behavior for the rest of the year!

In other news, we've started making baby food around here. Carson couldn't tolerate rice cereal or oatmeal, so we started baby food a little before his pediatrician recommended. That's really nothing new for us, we pushed every milestone with Miles.

I knew I wanted to attempt baby food in an effort to make it as healthy as possible and also save some money. As it turns out, making it doesn't really help with either. Baby food is actually made with only the fruits and veggies, no additives. And, making it ourselves saved very little money. I guess over time it ends up saving more than I realize, but it's not enough to make a big difference. I still enjoy making it so, we'll probably make the foods that are easier and buy the rest. I've found that veggies are much easier than fruits. This is carrots and green beans, which were simple to make. 

I've been surprised by how coordinated he has been with eating. We started him at 5 months and Miles at 4 months. That's probably why I can tell such a difference. Miles took a lot more work. Carson just scoops it all up quickly.

We haven't found a food he didn't like. So far he's had bananas, peaches, pears, prunes, applesauce, sweet potatoes, carrots, green beans, peas, and squash. He couldn't tolerate the bananas at all. They seemed to make his stomach cramp and he was awake quite a bit during the night when he'd eaten them.

It's hard to pick favorites b/c he gobbles everything up, but I would say that he's really fond of applesauce and carrots.

Healthy eating habits for the boys has always been such a thing for me. It's been such a relief to see Carson following in Miles' footsteps. I'm so hopeful that it will continue. Today his teachers called him a chunky monkey when I dropped him off at daycare. He has quite a belly these days :) I can't wait to see how much he weighs at his 6 month appointment next week.

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