
Sunday, January 25, 2015

Weekend Wrap Up

The weekend started off great with a visit from my mom. She got here on Thursday, so Miles stayed home from daycare on Friday. They drew pictures, played with Legos, and put together puzzles.Yes, our heat works...he has his coat on b/c we were about to leave...

We signed Miles up for basketball this fall.  More on that in another post. He had a Little Hoopstar performance Friday night at the high school and Saturday at UTM.  Game face on...

Some of his friends, Thomas & Neeley, were at the game on Saturday. He was very proud of his shirt.

He used to be scared of Captain Skyhawk, but he actually gave him a high five on Saturday. He was not interested in lingering for pic though...

Miles, Thomas, and Kohen, who is also a little Hoopstar...

This is more like it...

As soon as his performance was over, we rushed home to chill in front of the fire and watch Tree House Masters, our latest obsession. Darrin was recruiting and my mom went home, so it was just the two of us. My fire building skills are improving...

Last night, Miles started sounding a little hoarse. He slept with me, as he always does when Darrin is out of town.  During the night, I woke up several times to the sound of him wheezing. He wasn't struggling to get air, but it sounded like a cross between congestion and Croup.

Before I got out of bed this morning, I checked my phone. I had two texts from Darrin in the middle of the night saying he was sick and couldn't sleep.  Uh oh...he was in St. Louis and had to get home.  I sent him orders for Ibupropen every 4-6 hours and then got up at 6:30am to get ready for early church.  I thought in the back of my mind that we probably wouldn't be going, but I didn't want to miss for no reason.  When I woke Miles up a little later, he was terrible.  His wheezing was so bad that I contemplated the ER.  After I talked myself off the ledge, I made him go outside for some cold air and then stuck his head in the freezer.  That definitely helped and I at least felt comfortable with his breathing.  In the meantime, I texted a few mom friends and another friend that is a Physician's assistant, to help with a diagnosis.  We all landed with a virus.

It's been an up and down kind of day. At one point, he said he felt like he was going to throw up, which is interesting b/c he's never thrown up before, so I'm not sure he knows what it would feel like.  I'm proud to say that our five and a half year streak with no throw up lives on. 

With the exception of right when he woke up, I haven't given him any medicine all day.  His fever and energy level comes and goes. I looked in the living room at one point and he was exercising.  The next minute, he looked like this...

I gave Miles a bath tonight and he started screaming a few minutes in saying that his legs were burning. I put a few essential oils in the tub, but I wouldn't think that would have bothered him. When I got him out, he had red hives on the back of his legs. I'm guessing it's from the virus and/or fever.  Thankfully, both boys are resting in bed now. Darrin came home a little early. It wasn't a fun drive for him, but he made it. They are staying home together tomorrow and I, fingers crossed, am going to work to hang out with people who aren't sick.  And now, my friends, I'm going to take a hot bath and watch TV. I've earned it. Good night!

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