
Monday, January 13, 2014

Long Day

I started my day at work at 6am.  It was pitch black when I left home.  I have been so busy at work lately, so being off today wasn't ideal.  Of course I'm happy to take care of Miles, but I really needed to go into work for a few hours, look over my to do list, and mark a few things off.  I bet I can count on one hand the number of times I've blogged about work in the last five years.  I'm not sure why that is b/c it's a big part of my life.

A few facts about my job...  I've been working there for 12 years, 10 years as the Marketing Manager.  There are seven full time, and one part time, employees in our Marketing department.  I was the second person hired and we've grown from there.  Our company has 30 bank offices, and we also operate many other divisions, such as Insurance, Mortgage, Consumer Finance, Indirect Lending, Investments, to name a few.  Our department handles the marketing for the entire company.  January is one of our busiest months b/c we are planning and implementing new marketing plans for the year.  Lots of meetings and presentations.  This is my office, which I love....

I work 5 minutes from home.  I love what I do on most days.  It's not without it's frustrations, but no job is.  I am very close with my work friends, especially everyone in our department.  They make my job great.  

I do miss Miles a lot while I'm at work, but I can't imagine our life any other way than how we function.  I'm confident that it works for all three of us.  With that said, I enjoy randomly being home with him, even if it is to take care of him while he's sick.  When I walked in the door from work at 8am, he was bouncing off the walls as if nothing was wrong.  He's pretty much been that way all day.  His eyes look a little weak, but he hasn't run fever today.  He has taken it easy, including a good nap, so he should be ready for school tomorrow.

And now for the most random thought of the day.  I lost the button off of one of my winter coats about two weeks ago.  I searched the garage and my car with no luck.  I found it today in the refrigerator, in my garage, wedged up in a plastic shelf on the door.  I told you it was random, but strange is that??  I guess it pulled it off as I reached for a water on my way out the door to work.  Weird.

One more random thought...we got our electric bill today.  Holy moly.  It's the bill that covers the coldest month I can remember in many years.  If you live in Tennessee and haven't gotten your bill yet, brace yourself.  

I managed to clean out my pantry, clean my home email inbox, cook, type my grocery list...yes, type, and iron some clothes, all in between games of I Spy Snap, Crazy 8s, reading books, and tent making.  Darrin is working late tonight, so the plan is to get Miles in bed a little early and settle in for some serious TV watching.  Doesn't that sound amazing??  I'm trying to avoid getting sucked into the Bachelor, but the recorded episodes on my DVR just might ruin me tonight.

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