
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

We have a lot to talk about people!  I haven't blogged much over the last week b/c Darrin was gone on his annual golf trip, and as we've discussed before, when he's out of town I usually slack on the blogging.  He does a lot around here and when he's not here, momma just doesn't have as much free time.  He left early last Sunday morning.  Miles and I were home alone until Wednesday when my mom came to visit & help out.  Poor Miles did not like being in our new house without Darrin.  I could tell he just didn't feel safe.  He would constantly look around and ask me if I heard something.  I tried to reassure him, but nonetheless, he slept in my bed every night until my mom got here, and then he slept with her.  He's back in his bed now, so hopefully we didn't derail the good thing we had going.

While Darrin was gone, my mom and I worked around the house.  She and Miles put some grass seed down in hopes to fill in the patchy places.  Our yard is very shaded, so we'll see how it goes.

Saturday I cooked a lot to get ready for Mother's Day lunch, while my mom worked in the yard some more.  Then, we added a few touches to the deck to spiff it up a little. Just a few plants, some spray paint, and a new umbrella.  Not bad...

Finally, Darrin got home around 6pm on Saturday night.  Hallelujah! We both missed him so very much.  I was lonely, and Miles was beside himself without Darrin.  I actually leave on Tuesday for the beach with my bestie, so last week I thought I should go ahead and start preparing Miles.  I told him that when Daddy got home, Mommy would be leaving for a few days.  His response was "YAY!!!!!"  I see where I rate.  It's totally cool.  I know he loves me. 

Today was a beautiful Mother's Day.  How nice it was to go to church with my mom and then have Darrin's family down for the afternoon.  Even though we were running late for church, we still took a few pics...

Miles said he didn't want to take a picture with me, but it's Mother's Day so he didn't have a choice.  We had to take several just to get one decent shot...


This will have to do...


This kids ate inside...

...and the adults ate outside.  I thought it might be too cold, but it was so nice.

This might be one of my favorite pictures of these two.  They just get each other...

It was so nice outside we even played a few games of Sequence.  The grown up version...

...and the kid version.  No shortage of games at our house.

This was our Mother's Day present for Darrin's Mom.  Her four grandchildren...

Happy Mother's Day to my Mom and my Mother-in-law.  You are both so special.  Thank you for loving us and spoiling all three of us.  Thanks for spending the day with us.  

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