
Sunday, June 2, 2024

Weekend Wrap Up

We started our weekend with a birthday party for one of Carson's baseball teammates.

Carson was happy to celebrate with Knox. The whole way there he didn't believe me that there was a pool at the city park because he had never seen it himself. 

Carson loves when we let him sleep in our room. We let him on Friday night. This is how he set up his bed. 

We spent Saturday and Sunday in Oxford watching Miles play baseball.

Miles has hit three homeruns and they've all been in Oxford.

He had fun playing outfield on Saturday.

Our games on Saturday started at 6 and ended after 9pm. It was a late night. 

Carson had a great time with the Sibling Squad, as they call themselves. He was a tired, sweaty mess at the end of the night. He was especially happy to have Hay Hay back this weekend. 

It wasn't our weekend and we finished early today. You can tell how Miles felt about that.

Carson offered to take Miles' bag to the car.

Granny & Pa spent the weekend in Oxford too.

We didn't get to spend much time with them because of the game times, so we ate together on the way home. 

In other news, Miles made the high school baseball team! He had tryouts last week and found out on Saturday. He loves playing for his school and we are excited for the next four years. 

Monday, May 27, 2024

Weekend Wrap Up

Sadly, our long weekend is coming to an end. I didn't think we were going to get any sun, but we ended up with a day and a half of it, so I'll take it. Miles went to the lake with a friend for four nights. We didn't hear from him much at all and I'm trying to decide if I should feel good about that or not. 

As much as we missed him, I think Carson missed him the most. Carson was not satisfied with Miles' short replies after his heartfelt texts. One time he said, "wait, there has to be more". Nope. Welcome to our world.

Reunited and it feels so good....for Carson anyway.

Our weekend at home was spent...hanging by the pool when we got some sun.

Chilling with Steph.

Jumping off the diving board and asking me to take pics.

Doing handstands.

Having his friend, Charlie, over.

Celebrating Rachel & Arnie.

Doing more handstands.

Baking cookies and eating "rotten (raw) cookies" as Carson says.

More hanging by the pool...thank goodness for sunshine because this is one of the few weekends this summer that we don't have baseball.

I always live for the weekends, but especially in the summer. This was a good one.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Less Words Wednesday

The first night of summer was spent outside. Miles went riding on the trails until he realized it was pitch black in the trees.

Carson hit blitz balls around the yard with the last one going all the way over the house.

We are trying to get a little practice on our street before he gets his permit in August.

Carson requested smores to celebrate the last day of school. 

The first full day of summer was spent with appointments. The boys had vision checks. We saw Marmee at the eye doctor because she was getting new glasses. 

Unlike Darrin and me, the boys have perfect vision and healthy eyes. 

Miles had to get a sports physical to be able to try out for high school baseball next week. Carson stayed close by for the whole appointment. 

I think he feels too big for the pediatrician's office, but I can't leave her. She's too good and too good to us. Miles is almost 5'10" (90th percentile) and 145 lbs (60th percentile). 

We stopped by the arcade on the way home because Carson wanted to spend $20 of his own money. He spent 95% of it trying to beat the string game again, but sadly it didn't happen again. Miles just watched Carson because he didn't want to spend his money :)

Just a rainy day watching TV with his stuffed animals. It rained soooooo hard today. 

I enjoyed being home with the boys for the first full day of summer. I might make that a tradition. Back to work tomorrow.

Monday, May 20, 2024

8th Grade Awards Night

We had 8th grade awards night for Miles tonight. 

Miles was given the Citizenship Award from his ELA teacher, Ms. Cupp. Honors ELA was a struggle to get started, but she did a great job of turning Miles' attitude around about ELA. 

The principal said that their class was one of the most enjoyable classes to ever come through the middle school. I love that he said that because they really are a great group of kids. Even though there are almost 200 of them, they are so close. They seem to support each other and take care of each other. Lots of high fives and cheering tonight.

They loved taking endless pictures at the end.

Super proud of the boys and their awards. They are good kids and I'm thankful that others see it too. 

Carson brought an old math book to do while we were there. He's built different. 

Darrin had to take Carson to the car afterwards because his stomach was hurting so we had to take a pic at home. 

You always find random selfies when Miles has your phone.

It was a lot of fun celebrating all the kids and watching them get their awards. High school begins on Aug. 1!