
Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Less Words Wednesday

 Here we go with a big catch up post. We celebrated 8th grade night for Miles. It's been a very cold season and this was the coldest night of all. He LOVES playing for his school. 

I put up my Christmas dishes in March. That's how busy we've been. Hence no blogging.

Carson had his first grade music program at school. He knew every word and participated big time. 

Carson loved having everyone come watch his music program. Darrin and I left as soon as it was over to get to Miles' baseball game. We prepared Carson that we were leaving, but he still asked why we left which made me feel bad.

My boys and playground equipment don't mix. Carson fell off the slide (was pushed but who's keeping score) and broke his wrist in two places. It was almost the exact injury that Miles had on the monkey bars in kindergarten.

Stephanie bought him a new sloth to cheer him up which he named Steven...eerily similar to his current sloth named Steve.

This pitcher catcher duo had a great middle school season.

You know it's cold when Carson is covered up. I have on a heated vest, we are inside a sleeping bag, and we are covered with a blanket. 

We celebrated Easter at Uncle Steve and Aunt Crystal's beautiful new house. 

Darrin, Miles, and Pa went fishing over spring break.

While they went fishing, Carson and I went to Discovery Park.

Carson broke his wrist at school. The teacher checked him out and he was able to move it fine. He didn't cry at all. I think it got worse before he got home on the bus. Darrin said he knew when he say him that something wasn't right. We knew immediately he had to go. He is a very tough kid!

8th grade night was fun. We are so proud of Miles and we love watching him do his thing. He loves his coach and we are thankful for him. He has made their school experience fun. 

Darrin and his mini me.

Miles' travel team got to play in the USA Stadium in Millington TN. It was a fun experience.

Baseball is hard, but it's so fun with the hits come!

I always love making the boys Easter baskets. 

Swimming trunks, gum, Lucky Charms marshmallows, and other random things. 

Me too boys, me too.

Even though it was cold all spring, Miles would still underestimate the weather and not wear layers. 

We did not.

I took Carson and Max to the movies over spring break. Max was very worried about Carson when he broke his arm.

We didn't leave town for spring break, but we tried to do a few fun things and we ate out a lot. 

Well that was just the rest of the pictures from March. Hopefully I'll be back soon with April. I'm not proofreading this because I'm tired and I want to read. Forgive all the mistakes that I'm sure are in here!

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Wordless Wednesday

I can't believe I haven't posted since early February. It makes me so sad that Carson won't have the memories to look back on but it's just not possible with our busy life. Here's a major catch all post.

Miles started his 8th grade middle school season. 

They are currently 9-0. It's been a lot of fun. This team has big goals.

Carson had his first scrimmage with his travel ball team. Miles learned how stressful it is to watch baseball.

He also learned how cold it is.

Middle school games at night have been very cold.

We celebrated Valentine's Day.

Carson got a new baseball bag and Miles got a wooden bat. Sticking to my plan of buying things we have to buy anyway and wrapping them up for holidays :)

Carson had cool Valentines for his friends. Unfortunately they looked better than they tasted.

We also celebrated Marmee's birthday!

Carson had a fan base at his first outdoor practice. He has a lot of people to cheer him on this season.

Miles has had a cheering section too.

Glad to be with my friends for baseball season. In the cold...


and wind...

Carson can talk Pa into anything, including riding in the third row with him.

Repping Carson's team, Top Notch Baseball, after Hornet Nation for 8 years straight.

These boys have been playing together since 6U.

Which made me go find this picture from kindergarten. This is what I'm going to miss out on by not blogging for Carson :(

It's so fun to watch Carson start reading.

Carson had an in the park homerun at his first tournament!

Opening day for both boys' travel seasons.

Carson is starting travel baseball at the same age Miles did, but Carson seems so much younger to me.

On opening day, they played in the same complex, at the same park. This will probably never happen again. What a gift it was for us. I will cherish this picture.

We are so excited to get to do this again.

Miles has a lot of fun memories from when Darrin coached volleyball that Carson won't have. Carson will have memories from Darrin coaching him in baseball that Miles won't have. It's funny how things work out because it's better that Miles was coached by someone other than Darrin, but it works for Carson. 

More reading before bed...

I LOVE running into friends at the baseball field that I don't get to see. Such a treat.